Thursday, September 10, 2009

Notes from the Keji Trip

Outdoor education is incredibly important. It combines all subject areas and it is perhaps the most relevant thing kids can study. In school it might mean a day program a couple of times throughout elementary school, a couple of days camping in jr high. The problem with it not be fully integrated into every day learning is that kids need TIME in Nature to really learn from it.

A lot of kids, like Nature Girl, burst out of any contained space and need to run around and test their bodies jumping off of 4 foot tall stumps for a few hours. This is important to them. They're learning while they blow through the forest like a storm, but you can't direct them any more than you can direct the wind.

Some kids like Wild Thing are quiet and easily led, but they need time in the woods to get past fears of bugs, and getting dirty before they can relax enough to appreciate the whole experience.

Once they've become accustomed to the environment and trust that there is time for movement and play, trust that it is familiar and safe, then that outdoor world opens up even further. They can observe much more, using all their senses. They need silence to hear how deafening the night can be, or the day. They need stillness to observe wildlife and not scare it away before they've even reached it. Once they're comfortable and calm you can give them a jeweller's ;oupe and they can get lost in the forest - get lost on a single tree.

Homeschooling lets them reach that point when they're ready, not on wednesday afternoon from 12:45 to 2:30.
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pointform said...

Willow saw WT's 'nola bar' and said 'Nummy!'

pointform said...

Nice mid-air photo of nature Girl - more like Mai the Telekinetic Girl.

Tan Family said...

I love what you said about the importance of giving children TIME in nature. Wonderful post!

Oma said...

Excellent post ... especially about the need to take the time to become comfortable and to really absorb nature. It's also true for many other things ... like reading thoughtfully and writing ...