Monday, September 28, 2009

Wildcrafting Lesson - Golden Rod

Golden rod is really easy to identify. There are plenty of individual varieties of it, but they all work the same way. If you get autumn honey chances are it's goldenrod honey. Besides smelling sweet and looking pretty it's good for coughs and colds, and for urinary tract infections. It's a gentle herb and easy to put up.
First you snip it up with scissors.
You fill a jar with your snipped up pieces. To check to see if you have too little, too much, or just the right amount bounce your finger fairies on the bed of flowers. Too little, the finger fairy falls through. Too much and there's no bounce, just right it is soft and springy and you stay on top.
Then you fill it to the brim with apple cider vinegar. It's already turning yellow! Cover it, label it and put in a dark closet for about a month, then strain. You can add your goldenrod vinegar to meals and salad dressings or take it with honey!

Nature's flu shot!
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zoom said...

Cool. What are finger fairies?

Kerry said...

Finger fairies are when you pretend your hand is a fairy and your fingers are the fairy legs!


Anonymous said...

Pretty wild that a plant that causes such nasty allergies is also a healing remedy!

Kerry said...

Goldenrod is blamed for what RAGWEED does. They bloom at the same time. Very few ppl (unless they have severe immunological problems) are allergic to plants that rely on pollinators. They just don't produce enough pollen to cause problems. It's the pollens that are wind dispersed (like ragweed) that cause allergic reactions. However if you have ragweed allergies a good step to take is to make a tincture from those nasty flowering heads now, and next spring start taking 10 drops a day through the season. It acts like a homeopathic.

Unknown said...
